Annapolis II, MD Mortgage Loan Officers

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Annapolis II Loan Officers Near You

Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips

Branch Manager
orange star 270
NMLS # 181137

About Annapolis II, MD

Call Our Annapolis, Maryland Office Today

Home of the United States Naval Academy and other historic sites on the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis, MD is now home to the latest branch office of industry leader Embrace Home Loans.

If you are a first-time homebuyer in or around Annapolis, Embrace Home Loans and our team of experienced Loan Officers, Underwriters, and Processors is here to ensure you get the best loan, the best rates and the most practical options in lending for your family budget. As a mortgage industry leader, Embrace Home Loans is proud to help the residents of Annapolis, Maryland reach their goals of home ownership.

Embrace can also provide you with a comprehensive range of refinancing and debt consolidation options. For over thirty-five years we have been providing loan products designed to meet the wide range of needs in today’s dynamic market. We do our homework, taking the time and making the effort to work with you to address, and factor in your family’s unique financial goals and needs. We welcome you to our Annapolis, MD office and look forward to hearing from you soon.